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Regenerative Organic Certified

Regenerative Organic Certified

Our guiding principle as a brand is Beauty Unpolluted – and to us, this means producing products with purpose that positively impacts people, communities, and our world. To that end, we support regenerative organic methods as a means to support positive changes in the world and to preserve resources and create a better future for the generations ahead.

According to Alpine Provisions founder, Joshua Onysko, “It is imperative that we actively support farmers who have worked so hard to convert their farms to practicing real regenerative agricultural practices. Regenerative agriculture is one of the quickest ways we can start to heal our earth and slow climate change.”

What does regenerative organic mean? The methods of regenerative agriculture are rooted in five core tenants – which include keeping soil covered and minimizing disturbance to, maximizing crop diversity, maintaining living roots in the ground year-round, and integrating livestock for planned grazing (all of which leads to rebuilding healthy soil and reducing greenhouse emissions). These practices can reverse the impacts of climate change and work towards repairing our earth. They make good sense and are part of a holistic way of being in relationship to the environment that is part of our mission. We continually strive for the highest standards in producing products that support the well-being and future of all forms of life and our planet.

How do we walk the talk in the world of regenerative organic practices? Through the farmers and harvesters of our ingredients. Let’s take a look at our sister brand, Pangea Organics for a few examples. So, we recently supported a seaweed harvest with our partner of 13 years (Nature Spirit Herbs). They harvest every piece of the three types of seaweed (Gigartina, Kombu, and Wakame) by hand. Their process is laborious and time-consuming; however, the practices of harvesting by hand ensure a commitment to meticulously selecting the right amount of seaweed – no more than 25% of any one species is harvested from each location per year. This ensures preservation of a delicate ecosystem that supports the regeneration of the seaweed within four months. You can find their seaweed in our Superfood Smoothie Mask.

We also recently supported a cranberry harvest with our partner for more than 10 years, James Lake Farms. After years of working in commercial farming, James and his family decided to go against the grain in the local community by purchasing and converting commercial farms into organic farms. Their practices ensure healthy preservation of the land and regeneration of the ingredient each year - and today, they have expanded to over 189 acres and twelve different varieties of cranberries in their production. They value prioritizing the land they farm, people, quality, integrity, and creating a lasting legacy for our world. You can find their cranberries in our Daily AHA Gentle Exfoliator.

These are just a few examples of our commitment to being Regenerative Organic Certified. It is our goal to source 100% of our raw materials from ROC certified farmers by 2030. And, to do that we are tapping into the regenerative supply chain of our friends at Dr. Bronners. Starting in 2023, 100% of our Coconut oil, turmeric, vetiver, ginger, peppermint, and ashwagandha will be sourced as ROC. Coconut oil is the base of the majority of our products, so this takes us to more than a third of our goal. We want to be leaders in educating the world about the importance of changing how we grow our food.

As the saying goes, we want to be the change we want to see in the world. And so we are. As we work with our collective of like-minded brands (including Dr. Bronners and Patagonia) we want to set in motion a ripple effect for new farms and plantations to become Regenerative Organic Certified. We want to create, model and encourage meaningful change in the world one ingredient at a time.


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